Had you seen him standing there just shy of 19, him with his
tattered shirt and trousers, his rope belt and no
shoes...what would you have thought of him? And then he
says, "I want to come to the college here, sir."
"Have you formal education, young man?"
"Not much sir. I was born in Pin Hook, a small
community north of Paris, Texas. Our school was only open
three months of the year, and I ddn't get to attend every
year. My father died when I was very young you see, and I
had to help my mother. But I had a friend there...an older
man who cut cross ties. He didn't read very well himself,
but he had 25 books and he let me read every one of them.
Can I come to school here, sir - here at East Texas State
Normal College?"
What would you have said?
Thank goodness someone said, "Yes, you can come."
The young man's name was William Owens. The year was
Willam Owens would become one of the most revered
writers ever to come from Texas, and rise to one of the
loftiest heights academia has to offer - professor of
English and dean at Columbia University for over twenty-five
The year was 1966 and I was just shy of 19 myself. Raised in
a small East Texas town, I was blessed with a good family.
Unfortunately, I wasn't so much so. After two years of
college, I had somehow managed to string together 13
consecutive F's and attain the rank of "rodeo bum." My
father died suddenly, and after a period of mourning - a too
long period - I decided to make amends. I would return to
school and do better. Little did I know I was about to be
introduced to that fellow from Pin Hook. I would learn all
about the life of young William Owens from two legendary
professors who taught at that same university who took
William Owens in when he needed it most.
Dr. James Byrd and Dr. Fred Tarpley would do the same for
Required English classes meant that I had to take them both.
One of the best things that ever happened to me.
In 1966 William Owens had just published the first
volume of his autobiography, This Stubborn Soil: A
Frontier Boyhood. And even though Owens had experienced
success with earlier books, Tarpley and Byrd, teaching
different classes, both began with This Stubborn Soil.
I was filled with fear during those first days. After
all, these were two famous professors and I had never
experienced a single ounce of success in any classroom. As
the days went by however, my anxiety drifted away carried by
the words of their lectures. The bible calls it "The Gift of
Exhortation," and brother, both Tarpley and Byrd had that
gift. Their lectures seemed almost like some old time gospel
song - so comforting to hear. They both spun tales of Owen's
book - a gripping and powerful thing with not one vulgar
word; just clean and to the bone prose about Owens, his
mother, and brothers literally trying to claw food out of
the ground so they could stay alive. The lectures were an
hour and a half. Seemed more like twenty minutes, and often
when we were dismissed, I would walk out on legs so shaky
and weak. And hearing what Owens went through, the thought
began to whisper in my mind, "If he can live through all
that, maybe I can do a little better, too." And then in
future classes, Tarpley and Byrd got even better.
They told us how after Owens attended East Texas State
Normal College, he would receive his bachelor's and master's
from SMU in 1932 and 1933 respectively, and obtain his PhD
from the University of Iowa in 1941.
In 1953, Owens wrote Slave Mutiny: The Revolt of the
Schooner Amistad, which provided much of the material
for the Steven Spielberg 1997 film, Amistad. Perhaps
one of his finest novels, Walking On Borrowed Land
(1954), would tell the story of a black teacher hired to be
a principal in the "Little Dixie Section" of Oklahoma. That
work would gain Owens The Texas Institute of Letters 1954
Prize for "Best First Novel by a Texas Writer." In 1973,
Owens would write the second volume of his autobiography,
A Season of Weathering, about his early years spent
teaching in small schools in Texas, and his words about
those days sound so surprisingly familiar to the same
problems of the modern day teacher. Tell Me a Story, Sing
Me a Song (1983) would be the third volume in his
autobiographical series describing his time in the thirties
collecting folklore and folksongs, and teaching at Texas A&M
University. In the fourth and final autobiography, Eye
Deep in Hell, (1989), Owens shares his experiences of
World War II in the Philippines.
After making his way to the Ivy League university of
Columbia in 1947, Owens would remain there teaching English
and writing until his retirement in 1974. He died in Nyack,
New York in 1990 leaving a remarkable body of work and an
indelible memory in the minds of those who read his words,
including Dr. Fred Tarpley, Dr. James Byrd, and especially
me. The life of William Owens -folklorist, professor,
storyteller, and in his early years, a most resilient child.
I spoke with his nephew, Joe Owens, in a phone
conversation recently. I will always consider that an honor.
Joe lives in California now and has been most kind to our
university, Texas A&M - Commerce, once known as East Texas
State Normal College. The place where a young man came long
ago and asked if he could go to school there, and even
though he wore no shoes, thank God someone said yes. The
people at that institution changed his life. While my
writing will never approach the skill of William Owens,
still I know how he felt.
They did the same thing for me.
--Michael Johnson
Ed. Note - Dr. Michael Johnson is the author of eight books,
and winner of two National Literary Awards. In 2008, Michael
was named a Distinguished Alum of Texas A&M