Throwing My Loop…
By: Michael Johnson
As a young man, like everyone
else, I read quotes from time to time. You know, those
small one or two liners that are supposed to be words of
wisdom that help us through tough times. In my earlier
days, I didn’t care for such unimportant things. I thought
“inspirational quotes” were shallow clichés that really
didn’t get at truth. As I began to grow older, my thinking
changed. After life double-barreled kicked me in the teeth
a couple of times – as it’s prone to do to us all on
occasion – those little corny quotes didn’t seem so corny
after all. Sometimes they are the only things that help us
hold on. On dark days, those small messages are the sole
providers offering a thread of hope. That thread may seem
pitifully thin and weak to offer much in the way of help or
strength, but as we grow older, we learn there is much power
and strength in small things. Like this one…
“Change your thoughts and you change your world.”
Norman Vincent Peale
“Oh, yeah, right,” said a fellow recently as we were
talking about this. “So you can just “think” your way to
I didn’t respond, but inwardly, I was thinking, “Absolutely!
That’s how it all begins.”
As a young man, I failed miserably in school. I
attributed my lack of success to a lack of I. Q. Actually,
the reason for my failure was failure to show up every day.
When I changed my thinking – and my behavior – my I. Q.
didn’t go up, but my grades did. “I. Q.” has little
to do with it. “I can” has everything to do with it.
Sometimes after working so hard in life and achieving
some degree of success, we find the most depressing thing…it
all falls apart. Just doesn’t seem fair, does it?
“Things fall apart. The center will not hold.”
-- W. B. Yeats
Our once thriving business goes bust, long-term
relationships fail, and death or divorce breaks our heart.
What do we do then? Read this…
“It’s never too late to be what you might have
-- George Eliot
Eventually, we learn everyone has to start over in
life. In bad times, we say, “Why is God doing this to
me?” I’ve said that many times. Finally, I realized, “Maybe
He’s not doing this ‘to’ me, but rather ‘for’ me.”
“We’re being shaped by the Potter’s hands.”
Jeremiah 18:6
“I believe that one defines oneself by reinvention. To not
be like your parents. To not be like your friends. To be
yourself. To cut yourself out of stone.”
-- Henry Rollins
My favorite line about losing it all…
In Jim Stovall’s book and movie, “The Ultimate Gift,”
Jason thinks after his grandfather dies, all the money will
be his. He is surprised to learn granddad, Red Stevens –
played beautifully by Jim Garner – leaves a videotape of
himself (filmed prior to his death, obviously) requiring
Jason to perform twelve tasks before receiving any money.
Somewhere along the way, Jason loses it all. In the next
tape Jason is required to watch, granddad Red says, “So,
you’re busted? You’re broke, right?” Then, with this big
smile on his face, Red says, “I’ve been there three or four
times myself. It’s the best place in the world to
start!” And Jason begins again.
So the next time you find yourself falling through the
floor, you might be falling into a brand new universe. Let
the thought cross your mind, “Maybe this is happening for
a reason.” And that reason might be… that you are being
moved to do what you were made for.
“Follow your bliss…and the universe will open doors
where there were only walls.”
-- Joseph Campbell
It’s easy to say all this, but when we actually have to
live through change and difficulty, we are afraid. I always
was. How do we cope with that fear? Here’s one way from
the brilliant painter, Georgia O’Keefe…
“I’ve been absolutely terrified every moment of my
life – and I’ve never let it keep me from doing a single
thing I wanted to do.”
And finally, one that should make us all act more
civil, and with more kindness – and Lord knows, don’t we all
need that these days…
“How wonderful it is that no one need wait a single
moment before starting to improve the world.”
-- Anne Frank
-- Michael Johnson
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