Throwing My Loop…
By: Michael Johnson
Seems as if I write the same
thing over and over. The Christian writer, Phillip Yancey
once said, “All writers have just one theme. All writers
are trying to get one thought out. They say the same
thing over and over.” I certainly didn’t think that was
true of me. I have written several books, but I “knew”
they were all different. After all, one was for teachers,
one about a horse that helped a troubled youth, one about
a frog and his family who dealt with a tragedy (his daddy
got gigged), another about a disturbed horse and so on.
Then one day years later, I looked at all the books
sitting on a table and realized, “Oh my goodness,
they’re all about the same thing!” Yancey was right.
My favorite subject – my favorite question – is “How
is it that we do better?” What are the things we can do
to improve our chances for personal success? And perhaps
even more importantly, how can we help those we love?
Maybe more than anything, we want those we care about to
be successful, whether they are our children,
grandchildren, students, employees, and in my case - and
many of yours as well – how do we get our horse to do
better? How do we get our horse to be the best of all
things…a willing partner?
Some years ago, I began to notice certain people in
my life who were really good at this “improvement” thing.
They were also effective at helping others around them.
While they came from different walks of life – some were
professors, some coaches and teachers, some bronc riders -
they possessed one common theme. They shared one bright
thing. They all treated people – and horses - in a
certain way. I’ve been trying to learn more about those
behaviors since.
It begins from the moment you meet them. When you
first encounter these people, they look at you and they
smile. They seem genuinely glad to meet you. They say
your name and ask you about you. That doesn’t seem to be
much, but you find yourself liking this person…and you
don’t even know them. Most “important” people have little
time for the rest of us. These folks I’m talking about
make you feel like you are important. Whenever I
talk about this, sooner or later you can bet someone will
say, “I don’t like people like that – people who always
seem to be running for office.” I don’t like people like
that either. None of us do. But you know who we do
like? We like people who are authentic, genuine, and
Some educators say, “It’s not my job to teach kids
that. That is the parent’s role.” I agree. Problem is
even successful, well-to-do people sometimes have a lack
of knowledge of the power of interpersonal skills - not
phony glad-handing, but real skill in dealing with
others. One of my favorite quotes from an old John Wayne
movie is when the Duke says, “Big mouth don’t make a big
man.” (Then naturally he knocks the loud mouth over a
water trough.) To paraphrase my point, “Just ‘cause you
got money don’t mean you got manners.” But those rich
people are missing something vital by not teaching their
kids manners. Manners can get you money. You can give
your kid thousands of dollars, but if he’s still a jerk,
chances are he will lose it all. If, on the other hand,
he has style, genuine grace and charm…the kid can make his
own money.
On a couple of occasions, I have been criticized by
some who say, “You’re teaching people what con men do.”
That is precisely correct. That is exactly what I am
trying to do. “Grifters” - as they are called - know the
power of charm. They can actually relieve others of their
money with a smile and some guile. But those people have
something dark in their hearts. What if you combined
powerful people skills with something light in your
heart? You would have something that could really help
you. And I have seen so many who did just that. I will
never forget watching one woman do something so wonderful…
Her name was Sally Field. Sally worked at the
Pentagon, and at the time, Sally held the distinction of
being the highest-ranking civilian female in the federal
service. One day, as she walked into the conference room
to conduct a meeting, a general officer – not knowing who
she was - turned to her and said, “Get me a cup of coffee,
honey.” Without missing a beat, Sally turned on her heel
and said, “Certainly, I’ll be glad to.” She went down the
hall and retrieved this fellow coffee. After placing it
in front of him, she said, “There you go. Made you a
fresh pot.”
She then took her position at the head of the long
mahogany table and said, “I’m here today to request some
twenty-million dollars in funding for our troops who are
fighting in the field. I need this money to keep those
brave young people alive. I may not get everything I ask
for, but I am certain of one thing…” She paused and
smiled down at this general whose mouth was now really
wide open, ‘cause this fool had realized he had just told
his boss to get him coffee, and she said…
“I won’t have any trouble out of you, will I?”
General “Coffee” hung his head, cleared his throat,
and said, “No Ma’am, you will not. And if I have anything
to do with it, you will get every penny.”
Sally got all her money.
That little story could have gone so many ways.
Sally could have snapped back at that man. She could have
said, “I’m not a secretary.” She could have stormed off
in a huff – and justifiably so. Instead she treated that
fellow with the kindness of Jesus, and Sally won the day
and Sally saved lives. Just goes to show you -
It’s nice to be important…but it’s more important to
be nice.
Michael Johnson
Michael heading for the great Sonny Gould
Healing Shine |

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