Throwing My Loop…
By: Michael Johnson
The word “commencement” is derived from the word
“commence” which means “to begin.” Yet we use the word
“commencement” to describe what happens at graduation. I
find that fascinating. Why would we use a word that means
“to begin” at the end of something?
Much to my surprise I have been asked to provide the
commencement address to this year’s graduating class at the
university I attended so long ago – Texas A&M University –
Commerce, current enrollment of 10,000 students. When the
invitation came - while I was certainly honored – I could
not help but think all my old professors who are now in
heaven (and all those who are not) must surely be so
disappointed. “Do what?” they must have said when
they heard the news. “Surely you could get somebody
better than that fellow. Anybody but him.”
Nevertheless, I plan to take a stab at it. Like
most people, not knowing about something has never stopped
me from giving advice on the subject. So, here’s what I
plan to do…
At graduation ceremonies, the commencement speaker
is supposed to tell all the graduating seniors - and their
parents - things that are wise and funny, things that will
“stick” with us as we begin our journey in life, and well,
you know… things that are “smart.” Even though I don’t know
anything wise, funny, or smart, I still plan to take a stab
at it. It is a crying shame for those in attendance on that
day that I could not have given this speech on the day I
graduated from the university because on that day… I was
smarter than I have ever been. Somehow – sadly – all that
wisdom has evaporated in the last forty years, and where it
went I haven’t a clue. Nevertheless, I still plan to take a
stab at it. What I’ve decided to talk about is all the
things I wish the speaker at my graduation had mentioned.
Something like this…
“Good morning ladies and gentlemen. To all you
graduating seniors, well done. And to all you moms and dads
who lived through the ordeal of getting your kid through
college…even more well done! Graduates, I am really
impressed and happy for you that you have received your
degree. All your life your parents have told you, “Work
hard, go to school, make good grades, get a college degree,
get a good job…then you can be happy! When we hear that all
our life and we finally do it, we cannot help but think the
hard part is over. Actually, there are a few more things
you have to do. Here are some wise and funny and smart
things for you to consider…
You will do better in life if you
learn how to interact with other human beings. I’m sure
not a single one of your college professors ever mentioned
that, and I am at a complete loss as to why they did not.
Yet, you can really help yourself if you learn to meet
people, make eye-contact, learn how to shake hands, and
remember people’s names. Don’t say you can’t remember
names. If you can get a degree, you can learn how to
remember names. I’m not suggesting you become a phony St.
Bernard who jumps on people and slobbers all over them. We
don’t like people who do that. But we do like people who
are authentic, genuine and sincere…and people who are kind
and nice and have something you may have never heard of
‘cause its kinda’ out of fashion these days. Charm and
manners. We are all impressed by those qualities. Develop
Cowboy Up. That is a term we use in the rodeo world
that means when you get bucked off – when you are high in
the air and about to land on your back in the middle of
the arena in front of all those people – start making
plans to get up before you ever hit the ground. That is
the most important skill you can develop – and you better
develop it. Because no matter how high your grade point
average is, no matter how perfectly you have lived so
far…once in a while, life is still gonna’ kick you right
in the teeth. Might be the loss of a loved one, death of a
good roping horse, fire, tornado, broken heart, or divorce
– whatever it is, there will come a time when life hurts
so bad, you cannot breathe. Unfortunately, at these times
you will find that your college degree does not help one
bit. I have never found anything that does. If you do,
call me collect. Well, maybe I have found one thing that
does. And that is, to remember when things go bad…cowboy
up. Hang on. To remember we are stronger than we think. We
are more than we know. We have not been short-changed by
the Spirit. Let some time pass. You will laugh and dance
Finally, remember what Anne Frank wrote - that 14-year
old girl hiding in the attic from the Nazis…
the long run, the most powerful weapon of all is a kind and
gentle spirit.”
In your life you will find
nothing works better with children, with horses, or with the
person you are married to. Best thing I ever read.
So that’s about it. That’s
all the wise, funny, smart things I have to say.
Commencement is not the end. It’s just the beginning.
I simply cannot believe they
allowed someone like me to come and talk to all of you. I’m
I wish you well.
Be sure and thank your momma
and your daddy for this day.
God help you.
I know He
did me.
Michael Johnson
Michael heading for the great Sonny Gould
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