Throwing My Loop…
By: Michael Johnson
For years now, I’ve been
noticing something and this something puzzles me so…and it
is this. Some people have a strange ability to elicit
high cooperation from other living things. Some people
can get a dog to do anything. Others can get second graders
to behave. Still others can become one with the horse, and
some can take high school kids who are just so goofy, and
silly, and immature, and transform them into loyal,
motivated, intense, driven stars. How in the world do
they do that?
For some time, I have been aware that certain
people can do wondrous things with the particular gift they
have to help different living things. And of course, that
begs the question – how are they doing what they are doing?
So for the longest time – over three decades – whenever I
see someone who can reach the adult, child, student, horse,
or dog in profound ways, I make it a point to “get next to
them,” and do an interview of sorts with the main question
being, “How are you doing this? Tell me how you have such
success when others struggle so?” And I have found the
strangest thing. I think one of the reasons for their
success is because they see better than I do. They
see more clearly – deeper – than I do. Here’s a case in
I’m riding the four year old – Joe Ben Black – and for
the first time in his life, he’s a basket case. Always
cooperative, on this day the colt is the one who flew
over the cuckoo’s nest. Won’t go forward, shaking his head,
pawing like a fighting toro named El Diablo, and generally
speaking, a complete psychological mess for no reason on
earth that I could see. Of course, I knew what to do…
At times like these, I think it goes without saying
that all real cowboys know what to do - all men know
what to do. (We have been trained our entire lives for this
moment.) When the horse, kid, or dog behaves poorly, we
simply have a fit. We get mad. When the horse engages in
such behavior, we all know to kick him as hard as we can and
- while jerking madly on the reins - start cussing as loud
as we can. This should all be done in one motion. That’s
what real cowboys do. So I did that. Things worsened
Horse is going even “nutsier” and at that moment…my
wife drives up. (Ever notice how your wife always drives up
just when you are making a fool of yourself?)
“What’s the matter?” she asked. (Like it wasn’t
“This horse is acting like an idiot,” I said. “I’ll
have to ride him sixty days to get all this out of him.”
She’s staring at him. Then she says, “No you won’t.
Can’t you see what’s the matter with him? Can’t you see how
he feels?”
“I’m not running a health spa here,” I began to
explain, but she was gone – she disappeared around the
corner of the barn. In a minute or two, she reappeared
around that same corner leading Blue by his halter. Joe Ben
Black melted. All that anger, all that venom, bared teeth,
and mad pawing slipped down into that hot Texas sand beneath
our feet, and there stood my kind and soft-spirited colt
once again.
“He couldn’t see his friends,” she said. “We’ve never
ridden him out of sight from the other horses.”
I started to tell her all the reasons I couldn’t always
go get another horse just because one became upset, but
before any words could come, I couldn’t help but notice how
soft and responsive Joe Ben suddenly became. Now he paid no
mind to her or to Blue, but only to me. For the rest of the
day, he proceeded to focus all his attention on what I
wanted to do, and did anything I asked without hesitation.
Next morning over coffee, I asked, “How did you know to
do that yesterday?”
“I don’t know,” she said. She thought for a moment
struggling to find the words and said, “I think… I
got behind his eyes and saw the world from his view.”
I’ve been thinking about that event since it happened.
It’s still on my mind – it taught me something. I’m still
working on what. Something like this…
To achieve our heart’s desire, we must have a strong
focus on what we want. While that’s true, it is also
true we can’t accomplish much by ourselves. We need others
to help us. People who are good at this cooperation thing
pay a good deal of attention to the needs of the living
creatures around them. I need to do better at that – to not
be so blind.
And maybe it’s a bit selfish to spend time thinking
about the best ways to elicit high cooperation from others
just because of something I want. But the more I think
about that little incident with Joe Ben, I realize…it’s even
more selfish not to.
Michael Johnson
Michael heading for the great Sonny Gould
Healing Shine |

The Rowdy Cow Dog |