Throwing My Loop…
By: Michael Johnson
At 60 years of age and a
lifetime of experience with horses, I cannot help but
sometimes think I’m quite the horseman. Yet, not a week
goes by that I find that feeling of expertise to be far from
the truth. When it comes to horses, I can still do the
stupidest things. In an old movie, Bing Crosby sings a
haunting little ballad called, “You haven’t learned a
thing.” I know what he means. It really embarrasses me
to admit what I’m about to, but perhaps after reading this,
some reader won’t make the same mistakes I did. Consider
the case with my best partner, the Blue Man…
What a good horse he has been. Raised him from a pup.
In the year 2000, when his momma laid him on the ground that
night, that scamp got his feet up under himself, then after
wobbling around a bit, looked at me and said, “I’m ready,
Pop!” At age three when tracking his first steer, the
Blue Man ran right to him and chomped him on the butt. At
that moment, I knew all I had to do was get out of this
little fellow’s way…and I was right. Never did much
training on Blue. His intense desire to rope came with him
from heaven just dripping off his DNA. Imagine my surprise
when it all went away.
I started Blue when he was three years old and we took
it easy for over a year. Since age five, we have roped
countless steers and Blue tried his heart out on each and
every one. It’s hard for me to imagine a horse with a
better attitude alive today. Because Sherry and I had moved
and were required to build fences and barns for a year, Blue
was allowed a long and well-deserved rest. His only duty
for months was to stand in the pasture with the other horses
(probably bragging to them about his rodeo adventures) and
just eat grass. Once done with our building projects -
including the arena - we were ready to begin again. I just
knew Blue would be excited and ready to go. I had no idea
how right I was!
Fresh and full of himself after the long lay-off, Blue
pranced and snorted like some Spanish trick-horse in a big
city parade. This over-the-top behavior was cute for a few
days, but then really began to wear on my nerves. This was
not my Blue. I became concerned. Then things not only went
downhill – they fell off the mountainside.
Riding Blue in the arena, he seemed fine. Then
suddenly without warning, the horse would run backwards for
fifty yards. He seemed to be terrified of the heel box, and
would lock up in a rigid steel-hard pose. Reminded me of
some child’s toy with exhausted batteries. And when he did
finally move, that forward lunge would be a wild rear, and
Blue would walk on his back feet for several yards. Very
scary and very dangerous. I was lost and stunned that my
most willing partner with all our years behind us would do
So like all “expert, old-time, real cowboys” do, I
hammered on him. Oh, I didn’t hit him, but I did give him
an unpleasant alternative. “If you don’t want to stand
still,” I told him, “you don’t have to. But you do have to
lope.” And ’round and ’round we would go. Fifty laps, one
hundred laps, one hundred and fifty laps…and with each
successive trial, Blue became worse. Finally, I realized
something was wrong. (Brilliant me.) His behavior
deteriorated to the point that riding him became extremely
dangerous. Imagine how I felt later when I learned Blue
wasn’t misbehaving. Blue was suffering from the human
equivalent of a kidney stone! All this time, he had been in
intense pain. And I learned something else…the symptoms
of pain in a horse often manifest themselves in precisely
the same manner as misbehavior!
Once the problem was extracted, Blue returned to
his normal self. Later, a friend advised that I should not
be too hard on myself as in…“We all make mistakes.” (I
noticed that didn’t make me feel a bit better.) But there
are some lessons here. One being in dealing with horses, we
must do everything we can to insure pain is not causing any
part of a problem, and secondly, if a horse experiences a
long lay-off, don’t assume he will be the same when you
return – no matter how close you once were.
If you will do those things, then you might be able to
avoid spending several days doing what I had to do…asking
Jesus to forgive me for what I had done to one of my oldest
and dearest friends.
Michael Johnson
Michael heading for the great Sonny Gould
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