Throwing My Loop…
By: Michael Johnson
Remember that old movie? In
1956, Rock Hudson, James Dean, Elizabeth Taylor, Carroll
Baker, Chill Wills, Dennis Hopper, Sal Mineo, Earl Holliman,
and a host of others brought Edna Ferber’s novel to life.
Filmed in and around the West Texas sprawl of Marfa, the
film was a giant. The bible says they walked the earth at
one time – giants, I mean. Did you ever know one? Ever
know a real giant? I did. I even walked with one for a
time. I knew one. His name was Sam Cochran.
I arrived at the university in
1969 – the runt of the litter if there ever was one - a
rodeo bum with an old truck, a one-horse Miley trailer, two
pairs of jeans, couple of sweatshirts, and one good little
filly who could run like the wind in a spring storm. I also brought something else with
me…thirteen consecutive F’s in my college career. Thirteen.
But now I sought to change my
ways. My father had died, my mother was devastated by
grief, and I was bound and determined to make up for my past
failures. Oh, and I forgot to mention…I was scared to
My fears grew unmanageable when
the counselor casually mentioned, “You need to go find Dr.
Sam Cochran and ask him a question.” I’ve long forgotten
what the question was, but I remember the gut-twisting
apprehension I felt.
“Ask Sam Cochran a question?”
I thought to myself. “Are you crazy, ma’am? I can’t do
that. You can’t just walk up to a giant and ask him
And a giant he was.
Here was a man who did not live on the earth with the rest
of us. The pilot and only survivor of a B-26 shot down over
France, Sam Cochran was captured by German soldiers, and
hospitalized in France. He escaped and survived by eating
pigeons until rescued. Eventually, he made his way home
graduating from Ohio State with his Ph. D. Now he was my
major advisor…and I’m supposed to ask him a question?
Cold fall day. Wind blowing
across the campus and then I saw him. He was walking – I
can see him now – him with his long purposeful strides.
Walking with his topcoat on - striding, reaching with his
long legs. I followed behind shaking in my boots. Young
farm boy with a stammer so bad I could hardly finish a
sentence. And I know you won’t believe this, but as he
covered that ground…the leaves were parting! The
leaves were actually getting out of his way so as not to
impede the progress of this great man. Almost forty years
now – I still remember the words as if I spoke them a moment
“D-d-dr. Ch-ch-ch-ocran?
C-c-an I b-b-other you for a m-m-oment?”
He stopped in mid-stride. In
the slowest of motions, he began to turn toward me. Then his
hawk eyes locked on mine, and my brain said, “Warning,
warning, Will Robinson – we are going down, we are going
down.” And he said…
“Bother me? OF COURSE, you can
bother me, young man! Don’t you know that’s what I’m
Almost forty years. I
still remember. And the giant became my friend.
Oh, he wasn’t my syrupy best
buddy. As a matter of fact, he constantly prodded, pushed,
fretted, and sometimes scolded me always obsessing about the
same thing. “You can do this. You have no idea the
things you can do. Don’t tell me you can’t. I already know
that you can. Come on, I’ll show you how – and the awesome
thing about it is it’s not that hard to do!”
An obsessive bike rider, he
frequently rode out to the old farmhouse I lived in eight
miles from town. “Just to see how you’re doing,” he
would say. During one of his early visits, he taught me how
to study…
“Let’s take one single fact
from the book,” he began sitting at my old kitchen table.
“And let’s write that down.” I did as he asked. “Now write
that same fact ten more times.” Again, I did as
instructed. “Now read and repeat that fact twenty times.”
After doing so, I realized we had spent almost twenty
minutes on this one item. “Now I’m going to ask you a
question,” he said. “Tell me about this item we have been
studying. Tell me all about it - when it happened, who did
it, why they did it, what their background was, etc.” I did
so. Then he said, “Excellent! Now all you have to do is
repeat this procedure with all of the items in these
chapters you have been assigned to study…and you can make
straight A’s!”
I thought for a moment about
how long we had worked on this one question and said, “All
of the items? My goodness, Dr. Cochran, that will take
all night.” He stood up and at the top of his voice
Shakespeare said, “The evil
that men do lives after them. The good is oft interred with
their bones.” Sorry, Willie. That’s wrong. While the evil
some people do may well live on, the good that others do
does too. Even though he’s been gone for some time, the
good that Dr. Sam did for me lives on. Because of the way
he lived his life and the way he treated not only me but
also everyone he encountered, the good he did lives on.
Where would I be without him? Where would any of us be
without the people who helped us?
Dr. Sam Cochran died June 5,
2003. He was 81. He’s buried in a little cemetery in Wayne
County, Mississippi. I wasn’t the best student he ever had,
but I am the proudest to have been his student. I plan on
going to that cemetery before I die. Don’t know exactly
what I’ll do once I’m there. Might plant a flower on his
grave. I’ll probably cry a little, and I’ll still wonder
why someone like him ever gave someone like me the time of
day. Don’t know what I’ll do for sure - except for one
thing. Before I approach that place where he’s resting…
I’ll take my boots off.
-- In memory of Sam Cochran
Aug. 1, 1921 – June 5, 2003
Michael Johnson
Michael heading for the great Sonny Gould
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