If only I could write the one
intended. The “Love” letter, I mean. We all want to write
the same one, you know. The one we would write to our
children that might help them. If I could just find the
words to help explain what I mean. I can’t of course.
Whatever I wrote would just sound like every other parent –
all preachy and dusty old. Words with cobwebs on them.
Same old words all parents use when talking to their
children. Words like, “I just love you so much. I want
what’s best for you. I’m not trying to interfere with your
life. If I can just get you to see what I’m talking about,
then you won’t make the same mistakes I did.”
Words like that. Those are the only words I know. Learned
them from my daddy, and he learned them from his. The same
ones all parents use. And when we are young, we don’t
listen very well. But if we would – if only we would, life
would not be easy, but it surely would be “easi – er.”
Our daughter, Alison, just had a baby. Her name is
Wynn Marie. And here’s the unbelievable part…she is the
most beautiful baby the Lord ever made! Can you believe
that? And she just happens to also be our granddaughter!
What a coincidence! Looking at little Wynn Marie – in her
bunny suit – has caused me to want to tell her so many
things. If only I could find the words…

Hello Wynn Marie,
My goodness, what a miracle you are! We were so
worried about you and your mother for a time, but after a
bit of a rocky start, here you are at home. Thank you,
Lord, thank you.
And my, my, did He do a fine job of making you. We
have a Poco Bueno colt with hair just like yours – all
black. His name is Joe Ben Black, and you can ride him!
First though, your grandpa – Papa Miguel – wants to tell you
few things. Just a few things…and don’t worry if you forget
them. I’ll say them to you many times.
You be careful, you hear? We love you and we don’t
want anything to happen to you.
You might consider looking at some of the alphabet
books we bought you during the first week of your life.
It’s never too early to get started, you know - and never
too early to start working on scholarships.
Don’t hang around with people who don’t care and try.
Some of that laziness will rub off on you.
Only go out with nice boys.
Let us know what time you’re coming home.
Be good to your momma and daddy.
When you have a problem in school – bad grade on a test
or something like that – don’t fret about it. Call me and
say, “Granpa, I made a bad grade. Didn’t bother me though
‘cause like you always say, “Everybody makes mistakes. Just
try again.” That’s what I plan to do. I’ll cowgirl up.
I’ll see this event for what it is – just a stone in the
When something bad happens to you in life, you
remember what your grandpa said, “We never learn anything
when life is going well.” You remember that you are a child
of God, and “all things work together for good.” Oh, and in
trying times, keep this thought at the top of your mind,
“I’m stronger than I think. I’m more than I know.” And the
storm will pass.
When you hear other people say, “I can’t,” don’t say
anything out loud, but say to yourself, “I can.”
Remember if you sit at the back and don’t listen, you
won’t do well. When that happens to some people, they say,
“Well, it’s ‘cause I’m dumb.” That’s not the answer. It’s
‘cause they are sitting at the back. Sit at the front.
Show up every day.
Be early.
If you ever have trouble in math, call me…and I’ll put
your grandmother on the phone.
If you ever doubt your ability, say to yourself, “My
grandpa never doubted my ability. He always believed in
me. He knew I was special – so I must be.” You have to
believe in your self first. If you don’t, know one else
will. You have to be a success in your own room, in your
own house, and your own heart before you go outside.
Have faith, Wynn. People think it comes from the
inside. I don’t think so. I think it comes from the
outside. The “substance of things hoped for…the evidence of
things not seen.” See? The words are “substance” and
“evidence.” Not thoughts. Real. Great power here. ‘Bout
all I’ve figured out here so far. So much more if I can
just see it. We will look together – you and me. I know
first place to look when you come…on the pond where the wood
ducks are. Good place to look. Oh, and I’ll pack us a
lunch. You want a boiled egg with yours?
Open your own doors. No one will come open them for
you. Your grandpa certainly would if he could, but the
Spirit would rather I didn’t. He’s not being mean - it’s
just that He has us do some things on our own.
If you will just do that, when you are grown, and
when you have accomplished so many things in life, people
will ask you, “Wynn, how did you do all these things? And
you can say, “My grandpa taught me that the Lord did not
make us to be ordinary.”
Oh, and it’s important to remember the greatest
secret. Be nice to people. Early in your life decide to
treat everyone the same. Talk to your grandmother about
this. She’s really good at it.
Oh, and you have to decide. See, I’ve been thinking
about this a long time, and here’s what your grandpa has
come to. You can do ‘bout whatever you want ‘cause the
angels will come and help you. (That’s what they’re for.)
Here’s the trick…
So many people ask, “What am I supposed to do?” That
method won’t work. Here’s one that will. You have to
decide! You think about it. Think about it while you are
young and as you grow older. When you decide – when you
find what’s in your heart that you want to do with your
days, then you tell them! Then they can engage. Once your
target comes clear, ask them to help you. See, I’ve come to
believe they are bound as long as we have doubt about the
outcome. It’s really difficult for them to help us unless
we begin. Just the slightest attempt – the smallest rise –
on your part, releases them…frees them to act. Once we are
clear, then they can fly down and around, and pour so much
help on you…well, little sister, in my experience, sometimes
it’s been too much. Too wonderful to bear. That’s the way
it is with you. You are something.
So little Wynn Marie, your momma and your daddy, and
your grandparents – we all stand ready. Like the angels, we
will watch over you and we’ll help you. But no one can help
you like you. You have been well-equipped. You ‘member all
the things your grandpa Miguel said.
And if you forget? Don’t worry. I’ll say them many
We wish you well.
Love, Papa Miguel
--Michael Johnson