Old Buddy was one. An unsung
hero, I mean. I’ve been thinking about him lately, and all
those like him. About those who do their job every day and
never say a word. They just do their work. He was like
that…just showed up every day to do his work. And did he do
it well.
A woman loved an old paint head horse of mine, and she
had been begging me to trade for Buddy. “Just come look at
him,” she said. “Just come try him. If you don’t like him,
you can bring him back.” I went to look. First time I ever
saw Old Buddy, he was standing in the middle of the pasture
– in the middle of the day – fast asleep. He was eighteen
and in my mind at least, way past his prime. “Oh
brother,” I thought to myself. “I didn’t get the
best end of this deal.”
“Just try him,” she said.
He was still snoozing when I backed him in the box.
Just as I nodded to the chute man, Buddy let out a big
yawn. “Oh brother,” I thought again. When the steer
came, Buddy’s eyes snapped open and I heard this deep
rumble. In a half-second, I realized that rumble was the
sound of his engines firing. Next thing I know, we’re at
warp-nine. The sheer force of his lift-off caused both of
my feet to fly out of the stirrups, and that was the moment
I lost that filling in my back tooth. He came so hard the
g-force just jerked it out of my mouth. Just as I was doing
everything I could to hang on to Mr. Shooting Star, my
rear-end slid over the cantle of the saddle, and Buddy
simply ran out from under me.
Standing there red-faced, I watched as riderless Buddy
continued down the arena stretched out low in perfect
position running alongside the steer. After penning the
steer all by himself, Buddy stood there calmly. Even though
the cowboy riding him couldn’t do his job, Buddy had still
done his.
I turned to the woman and said, “Ma’am, you got
yourself a deal!”
I must have roped thousands off the old sorrel during
the next few years, and while I missed some, I never missed
a single one because of Buddy. You never had to worry about
Buddy showing up. You could bet he would be there every
day, and every time. The father of the Prodigal Son had two
boys. Buddy was like the oldest.
Buddy is not in heaven yet, but he’s close. My friend,
Dr. John Hall lost his beloved quarter horse, Zip, some time
back, and I said, “Why not take Buddy?” He agreed, and
while we know Buddy isn’t in heaven, Buddy thinks he is. He
has a good life on the Hall Farm in Joshua, Texas, and I’m
glad he does. For almost twenty-five years, he did
everything – and more – asked of him. If only we were all
like that.
Teachers are like that. The people who get up every
day, and go do their work – that work being to try and help
our kids be somebody - to become more. Every day, teachers
do their work - not their job, but their work. In terms of
time, they are with our children more than we are, and even
though they’re not paid much, still they show up every day.
And for that, they receive more than their fair share of
We constantly hear about how bad things are in
education. If you listen to the politicians, the media, or
even some of your neighbors, most of what we hear about is
“violence, vandalism, corruption, illiteracy, declining SAT
scores, and school shootings.” The theme of so many
conversations is how “…kids don’t care these days and
teachers care even less.” Hmmmm. Here’s a startling
statement. It’s not true. I’ve seen it with my own eyes
after being in 400 schools in the last fifteen years.
We still get more patents every year than any country
on the face of the globe. Bad education system? We are
number one in terms of defense around the world, with weapon
systems staffed by high school graduates – male and female.
Bad education system? We have a high employment rate in a
highly technological society. Bad education system? School
shootings are unspeakable. Still, newscasters rarely
mention the other 60 million school kids who did
nothing wrong, most of whom are hungry for guidance,
leadership, and encouragement. Tomorrow, someone will be
killed on a golf course by lightning. No one will think to
blame the golf pro. Most people I know who degrade teachers
wouldn’t last a day in the classroom. They’re too busy
whining about how bad things are. Teachers are still
My wife’s daddy had a drug store in Cooper, Texas
called Miller’s Drug. It’s a famous place; one that once
you walk in causes yesterday to return with a razor-sharp
clarity. It looks just the same as it did in 1950. One
reason the memories come so alive is because of Mabel
Wheat. Mabel has been in that drugstore serving ice cream,
milkshakes, and coke floats for fifty-seven years!
People like Old Buddy, Mabel, and those in education,
and so many more are unsung heroes. We should be grateful
for them. Sadly, it’s only later in life that we see the
value of good horses and good humans. Instead of taking
them for granted, we should thank them right now – today -
and rejoice that they are in our lives. We should thank
those who help the hurting heal, love the unloved, and bring
hope to the hopeless – and those who do their work every day
– like good rope horses.
The Prodigal Son’s father had the biblical equivalent
of a barbeque for his wayward son when he returned home. I
hope he had one for his oldest.
I’m gonna’ have one for Buddy.
-- Michael Johnson
Ed. note:
Buddy passed away eleven days after this article was
submitted for publication.

Michael's latest release,
Reflections Of A Cowboy, is currently available in audio
book form. The two volume set consists of articles, essays
and excerpts from radio performances about good people and
good horses in the life of an Oklahoma cowboy. Approximately
8 hours in length. Reflections Of A Cowboy in printed form
is scheduled for release in the summer of 2005. Order from
Michael's website.